1. Add reducer


By default react-localize-redux assumes the reducer is mounted under the locale key. TODO: ... instruct on how to add custom slice for Translate

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { user } from './reducers';
import { localeReducer as locale } from 'react-localize-redux';

const store = createStore(combineReducers({ user, locale }));

const App = props => {
  return (
    <Provider store={ store }>

2. Initialize languages

Dispatch initialize action creator with the languages you wish to support. By default the first language in the array will be set as the active language.


Ensure you dispatch initialize before mounting any components that need translations. For example in your root component's constructor.

import { initialize } from 'react-localize-redux';

const languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es'];

To set a different default active language set the defaultLanguage option.

const languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es'];
store.dispatch(initialize(languages, { defaultLanguage: 'fr' }));

If you want to associate a language name with each language code you can use the following format:

const languages = [
  { name: 'English', code: 'en' },
  { name: 'French', code: 'fr' },
  { name: 'Spanish', code: 'es' }

3. Add translation data

Typically you will store your translation data in json files, but the data can also be a vanilla JS object.

In order to add translation data to your application there are two action creators available - addTranslation and addTranslationForLanguage. Which one you use will depend on which format your translation data is in - see formatting translation data for more information.

Multiple language format

import { addTranslation } from 'react-localize-redux';

const translations = {
  greeting: ['Hello', 'Bonjour', 'Hola'],
  farewell: ['Goodbye', 'Au revoir', 'AdiĆ³s']


Single language format

import { addTranslationForLanguage } from 'react-localize-redux';

const english = {
  greeting: 'Hello',
  farewell: 'Goodbye'

const json = require('en.json');
store.dispatch(addTranslationForLanguage(english, 'en'));

4. Add translations to components

Once you've added your translation data you'll need a way to get it into your components. That is where the Translate component comes in and it comes in a couple different flavours.

Flavour 1

The id prop should match the key of the translation data you want to insert. Any copy added as Translate's children will automatically be added to your translation data for that key under the default language.

import { Translate } from 'react-localize-redux';

const Greeting = props => (
  <h1><Translate id="greeting">Hello</Translate></h1>

You can include HTML markup as children, but ensure you include the same markup in your translation data. Since the default language's translation will automatically be pulled from Translate's children you can set it to null.

import { Translate } from 'react-localize-redux';

const translations = {
  food: [

const Foods = props => (
  <Translate id="food">

You can insert translations with placeholder's for dynamic data.

import { Translate } from 'react-localize-redux';

const Profile = props => (
  <Translate id="profile" data={{ name: 'Ted', date: new Date() }}>
    {'User: ${name} last login ${date}'}

Flavour 2 - render prop function

You can also pass Translate a function as it's child that returns the elements you want to render. This function is commonly referred to as a render prop function, and is called with the following arguments:

name Description
translate Same as value returned from getTranslate selector.
activeLanguage Same as value returned from getActiveLanguage selector.
languages Same as value returned from getLanguages selector.
import { Translate } from 'react-localize-redux';

const LanguageSelector = props => (
    {(translate, activeLanguage, languages) =>
        <h2>{ translate('heading') } - ({ activeLanguage.code })</h2>
          {languages.map(languge =>
              <a href={`/${language.code}`}>{ language.name }</a>

You can also access the translate function directly in connected components

If you have a component that is already using connect use getTranslate in your mapStateToProps to add the translate function to your component's props.

import { getTranslate, getActiveLanguage } from 'react-localize-redux';

const Greeting = ({ translate, currentLanguage }) => (
    <h1>{ translate('greeting') }</h1>
    <button>{ translate('farewell') }</button>

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  translate: getTranslate(state.locale),
  currentLanguage: getActiveLanguage(state.locale).code

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Greeting);

5. Change language

Dispatch setActiveLanguage and pass the language.

import { setActiveLanguage } from 'react-localize-redux';
