initialize(languages, [options])

Dispatch this action when your app is initialized, and pass in which languages you are supporting in your translations. An optional options param can be passed to configure additional settings.


name Type Description
languages string [] or
{ name: string, code: string } []
An array of language codes or named language objects.
[options] object Additional configuration options


name Type Default Description
defaultLanguage string languages[0] The language code for the language you'd like to set as the defualt.
renderInnerHtml boolean true Controls whether HTML in your translations will be rendered or returned as a plain string.
showMissingTranslationMsg boolean true Controls whether missing translation message will be rendered when translation is undefined.
missingTranslationMsg string Missing translation key ${key} for language ${code} A message that will be rendered in place of missing translations
missingTranslationCallback function undefined A function that will be called when attempting to get an undefined translation. See Handle missing translations for details.
translationTransform function undefined A transformation function that will be applied to translation data. See Custom data format for details.
ignoreTranslateChildren boolean false A flag that determines whether or not to add the children of <Translate> to the default language. This can be useful for defining default values in tests without adding them to translations.


showMissingTranslationMsg - will be deprecated in the next major release, as you can set missingTranslationMsg= '' to accomplish the same thing as showMissingTranslationMsg=false.


If you're adding translation data from un-trusted sources make sure you set renderInnerHtml option to false. In order to render HTML tags in translations react-localize-redux uses React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML, which has risks when used improperly. For this reason in the next major release this option will be set to false by default to align with dangerouslySetInnerHTML.


// with named languages 
const languages = [
  { name: 'English', code: 'en' },
  { name: 'French', code: 'fr' },
  { name: 'Spanish', code: 'es' }

// with language codes only
const languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es'];

// if you wanted 'fr' to be default language instead of 'en'
store.dispatch(initialize(languages, { defaultLanguage: 'fr' }));

setLanguages(languages, [defaultActiveLanguage])


This has been replaced by the initialize action creator, and will be removed in the next major version.

Dispatch this action to set which languages you are supporting in your translations. If defaultActiveLanguage is not passed then the first language in the languages array will be used.


name Type Description
languages string [] An array of languages codes
[defaultActiveLanguage] string Pass a language code to override the default active language.


const languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es'];


// if you wanted 'fr' to be default language instead of 'en'
store.dispatch(setLanguages(languages, 'fr'));


Dispatch this action to add translation data for multiple languages from a json file, or vanilla JS to your redux store. Please see formatting translation data to ensure your data is in the proper format.


name Type Description
data json | object Translation data in the required format


// assuming your app has set languages ['en', 'fr']
const welcomePageTranslations = {
  greeting: ['Hi!', 'Bonjour!'],
  farewell: ['Bye!', 'Au revoir!']


addTranslationForLanguage(data, language)

Dispatch this action to add translation data for a single language from a json file, or vanilla JS to your redux store. Please see formatting translation data to ensure your data is in the proper format.


name Type Description
data json | object Translation data in the required format
language string The language code this translation data belongs to


// assuming your app has set languages ['en', 'fr']
const welcomePageEnglish = {
  greeting: 'Hi!',
  farewell: 'Bye!'

store.dispatch(addTranslationForLanguage(welcomePageEnglish, 'en'));


Redux action creator to change the current language being used.


name Type Description
language string The language code you want to set as active.


// assuming your app has set languages ['en', 'fr']