Change localeReducer default key name

// TODO.....

What if my translation data isn't in the required format?

If you don't have control over the translation data for your application you can use the translationTransform option. This allows you to write a function that takes in your custom translation data, and outputs the data in the required format. See Custom data format for documentaion.

How do I persist active language?

Persisting the user’s selected language after a refresh can be done a few ways, and how that is done is really up to you. The following are two approaches you could use:

1. Save active language to local storage

When you start your app check localstorage for an existing saved language. If one exists use that as default language, if not default to first language.

const languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es'];
const defaultLanguage = storage.getItem('language') || languages[0];
store.dispatch(initialize(languages, { defaultLanguage }));

Whenever you change the active language update the language stored in localstorage.

storage.setItem('language', 'fr');

2. Keep active language in the url

Assuming you're using react-router you can use url-params to track active language. Your url might look something like this, but the key is that it has the :language param. Now when you start your app use the url's language param, and set default language based on that.

const languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es'];
const defaultLanguage = this.props.match.params.language;
store.dispatch(initialize(languages, { defaultLanguage }));

How do I retrieve a translation for a language other than active language?

Let's say your app's active language is English, but you want to display a single translation in French. You can accomplish this by passing Translate the defaultLanguage option.

import { Translate } from 'react-localize-redux';

const Greeting = () => (
    <!-- This will be English translation since active language is 'en' -->
    <h1><Translate id="greeting" /></h1>
    <!-- Since we specify defaultLanguage: 'fr' translation will be in French -->
    <h1><Translate id="greeting" options={{defaultLanguage: 'fr'}} /></h1>

How do I handle currency, date, and other localization transformations?

This logic is purposely excluded from react-localize-redux to ensure that both package size and API remian small. If you do require this logic you have the choice of writing it yourself, or using a third party library that specializes in that area e.g.(Moment for dates).

Here's an example of a basic currency translation using reselect:

import { initialize } from 'react-localize-redux';

const languages = ['en', 'fr'];

const translations = {
  currency: ["$ ${value}", "${value} $"]


const Transactions = ({translateCurrency}) => (
    <li>{translateCurrency(1000)}</li>     // renders $ 1,000 (en), 1 000 $ (fr)
    <li>{translateCurrency(100000)}</li>   // renders $ 100,000 (en), 100 000 $ (fr)
    <li>{translateCurrency(500)}</li>      // renders $ 500 (en), 500 $ (fr)

const getTranslateSelector = (state) => getTranslate(state.locale);
const getActiveLanguageSelector = (state) => getActiveLanguage(state.locale);

 * Returns a function that takes a number, and formats it using
 * the current language, the currency translate data, and native toLocaleString 
const getTranslateCurrency = createSelector(
  getTranslateSelector, getActiveLanguageSelector,
  (translate, language) => (value) => {
    const localizedValue = value.toLocaleString(language.code);
    return translate('currency', {value: localizedValue});

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  translateCurrency: getTranslateCurrency(state)

const LocalizedTransactions = connect(mapStateToProps)(Transactions);

Can I use ImmutableJS?

If your redux state is an ImmutableJS Map you will need to do the following:

Using Translate

The Translate component uses React's Legacy Context to provide all instances of the Translate component with required config. In order for Translate to work with ImmutableJS you'll need to add getLocaleState, which you will take a function that converts the state back to plain ol' JS for Translate. You will want to add getLocaleState as high up in your component tree as possible.

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { toJS } from 'immutable';

class App extends React.Component<any, any> {
  getChildContext() {
    // state will be the entire redux store state tree
    // you will want to return the state key you used for localeReducer
    return {  
      getLocaleState: state => state.toJS()['locale'];

  render() {
    return (
      <Provider store={ store }>

App.childContextTypes = {
  getLocaleState:  PropTypes.func

Using localize HOC

If you're using the localize HOC you'll need to use the getStateSlice option. This option allows you to instruct localize on how to read the state even though it's an ImmutableJS Map.

import React from 'react';
import { toJS } from 'immutable';
import { localize } from 'Localize';

 * The getStateSlice function will passed the entire state as a param.
 * You are responsible for returning the locale state slice.
const getStateSlice = (state) => state.toJS()['locale'];
localize(Component, 'locale', getStateSlice);

How does react-localize-redux differ from react-intl?

  • react-intl is larger in size/complexity, and for good reason as it handles many things related to localization. e.g. Pluralization, currency. Where as with react-localize-redux you could still do pluralization, and currency, but you'd be writing the formatting functionality yourself.

  • react-intl doesn't work with Redux out of the box, and needs an additional library react-intl-redux to add support.

  • For further discussion on this topic see original github issue.

Can I use Translate component with React 15.x.x?

If you want to use the Translate component it is recommended that you update to React 16, but if you don't have that luxury the following work arounds may work for you:

1. Only use Translate's render props API option.

// use this...
  {translate =>
    <h1>{ translate('heading') }</h1>

// not this...
<Translate id="heading">Hello</Translate>

2. Wrap any text only translations in an HTML element

React 16 supports rendering fragements and strings, which allows for components to render plain text. Previous React versions you would need to manually wrap your text in an HTML element, which is what you will need to do for text passed to Translate.


I recommend not overusing this approach, as it results in unecessary HTML markup being added to your translation data.

const translations = {
  heading: ['<span>Hello</span>', '<span>Bonjour</span>']

<Translate id="heading" />